Diagnostic Assessments
Many different diagnostic assessments may be used to help diagnose your condition and monitor your response to naturopathic treatments.
Physical Exams
Physical exams may be performed at any of your visits and include screening exams and complaint-oriented exams. Examples of these physical exams may include:
Vitals: blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry
Cardiovascular (heart and circulatory) exams
Abdominal exams
Auditory (ear and hearing) exams
Thyroid exams
Respiratory (lung, throat, sinus) exams
Skin exams
Breast exams
Gynecological and pelvic exams
Orthopedic assesments
IV Therapy Physical Exams
The following physical exams must be completed in office to ensure eligibility before intravenous infusion therapy: vitals, cardiac exams and respiratory exams.
Laboratory Assessments
The types of lab assessments that may be used to diagnose and monitor your condition include blood, stool, urine, hair, breath and salivary tests. Patients are sent with a requisition to a lab, such as LifeLabs or Dynacare, for collection of their samples. A complete list of laboratory assessments that Naturopathic Doctors can requisition can be found here.
Examples of laboratory assessments that are commonly requisitioned include the following:
Blood: Complete Blood Count, hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, LH, FSH, Cortisol etc.), nutrients (Vitamin B12, Ferritin, Complete Iron Panel, Vitamin D etc.), metabolic and cardiovascular tests (Total Cholesterol Panel, Hemoglobin- A1C, Blood Sugar, Fasting Insulin etc.), inflammatory markers (ESR, CRP etc.), autoimmune tests (Rheumatoid Factor, Anti-Nuclear Antibody etc.), IgG food sensitivity testing, kidney, liver and digestive function tests, among others.
Stool: Fecal Occult Blood Test, Parasites and Ova, Bacteria/Yeast
Urine: Routine Urinalysis and Culture
Breath: Urea breath Test for H. pylori and Hydrogen Breath Test (SIBO)
IV Therapy Labs
The following laboratory exams must be completed to ensure eligibility before intravenous infusion therapy: Complete Blood Count, Alanine Transaminase (ALT), Aspartate Transaminase (AST), Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride), Creatinine, Glomerular Filtration Rate.