When you arrive to the clinic, parking can be found at the front and rear of the building at Living Well Integrative Health Centre. After completing the detailed intake forms and handing them to reception, I will come out to the waiting room and bring you into my office. For virtual consults, I will either phone you or you will be sent a link before your visit to start your video consultation.

Complimentary Consultation (15minutes)

These visits are completely free, and are designed for you to gain a better understanding of my philosophy, treatment tools, costs, expected number of visits needed for your condition, and generally how I may be able to help you. I also really enjoy these visits because I love meeting new, ambitious individuals who want to better their health. This is a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have. There is no treatment provided in these visits, but we will get the process started with intake forms and ensuring we have all of the information we will need before your initial assessment.

Initial Assessment (75minutes)

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Your first visit involves a lot of questions. I take a thorough history of your main health concerns. I also ask about other aspects of your life that may be affecting your health, including your sleep, energy, diet, digestion and stress among other things. We discuss any medications or supplements you are taking, so be sure to bring the brands and dosages of those. It’s also very important that I get to know you during this visit and ensure you are comfortable during each step of the process. I will complete any necessary assessments, including physical exams and requisition for lab work. More details on these assessments can be found here.  If you have had blood work completed recently with another practitioner, please be sure to bring a copy or let our reception know before your visit so we can review these in your initial visit. Depending on your concerns, your initial treatment plan may be quite comprehensive in addressing your concerns. In most cases, it will involve the initial stages of your treatment plan as we continue to gain more information on your health through lab work and research. After your visit, I will spend time continuing to develop your treatment plan through research and continual re-examination of your intake forms, history and assessments.  

First follow up appointment (15-60minutes)

Your first follow up appointment is typically scheduled 1-4 weeks after your initial assessment. This allows time for the foundational treatments from our first visit to take effect and for me to review the results of any laboratory assessments we have requisitioned. We will often review your food log during this visit as well. We will continue to build onto your treatment plan at this visit, ensuring that the foundations of health and root causes of your condition are addressed.


Future follow up appointments (15-60minutes)

The frequency of your follow up appointments depends on your condition. They are usually more frequent at the beginning of treatment as we navigate your response to treatment and any barriers to healing. As your concerns continue to improve, your appointments will become less frequent.

Acupuncture Assessment (60minutes)

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These visits are very similar in structure to the initial assessment. In contrast, in an acupuncture assessment, the history and assessments are more focused on your presenting concerns, such as pain, anxiety, fertility or pregnancy. After the history and assessments are completed, depending on the body parts I will be needling, you will be provided with a gown and shorts to change into. You will then lay in a comfortable position and very thin, sterile needles will be inserted. I may use an electrostimulation device to attach to the needles to intensify the treatment. I may also use an infrared heat lamp applied to gently warm the body parts and needles in a specific location. I will often step outside the room to let you relax to music while your treatment takes place. Depending on your treatment, the acupuncture needles will be kept in place for around 15minutes before being removed. I will often finish treatments with massage, soft tissue work, cupping or other techniques to soothe your muscles.

Acupuncture follow-up (30minutes)

Your first follow-up appointment is typically scheduled 1-4 weeks after your initial assessment. A short reassessment will be completed and we will check in on how your concern is progressing. We will then begin the acupuncture, increasing or decreasing the intensity of the treatment depending on how you tolerated the initial visit.

Intravenous Infusion Therapy (30-75minutes)

Prior to your first IVIT treatment, you will need to complete an initial assessment visit. At this visit, we will complete all of the appropriate lab work and physical exams to ensure you are eligible to receive IVIT. This visit will also be critical for me to determine what type IVIT formula you will need. IVIT treatments may range from 30-75 minutes depending on the substances used and the condition being treated. During the visit, you will relax in one of our two comfortable IVIT suites. You are encouraged to drink water or herbal tea throughout your treatment and to always eat before your IV. Your vitals will be taken before the IV is inserted and throughout your visit to ensure a healthy response to the treatment. Aside from the small discomfort from the initial needle prick, these treatments are generally painless. There may be other patients in the room receiving an IV with you, so we ask that you do not bring guests and avoid wearing any scented products. Visits are usually more frequent for the first 4-6 weeks in order to start to alter your body’s physiology, but once this shift has taken place, treatments are less frequent.

Vitamins, Herbs and Supplements

Many of the products I recommend to patients can be purchased at Living Well Natural Health Products, adjacent to the clinic. Education around why certain brands are recommended, including quality and formulation, are always discussed in visits. Alternative options and brands are always reviewed as well.